Track. Share. Impact care.

Carecircle’s Code of Ethics

Made in Switzerland

We are proud to be a Swiss-based company serving the world. In 2018, Switzerland ranked first on the European Health Consumer Index, and it has been able to secure a spot among the world’s healthcare leaders for well over a decade now. Being at the forefront of medical innovation and accessibility has given us a unique perspective on what is required to make patients and their loved ones feel truly heard, seen, and supported.

Sharing is caring

Carecircle’s community is based on freely sharing ideas, information, and knowledge among fellow members. By pooling our experience, expertise, and personal insights, we find strength in numbers to become the world’s best social network pro health and healing.

Think outside the box

Our mission at Carecircle is to provide patients and their loved ones with a brand new approach to helping them find information on their conditions or figure out what might be ailing them in the first place. We constantly question and challenge established modes of practice, love radical thinking, and give new ideas plenty of room to grow. When Tim Berners-Lee invented the internet he proclaimed “We build it now so that those who come after us will be able to create things we cannot possibly imagine”, and so it is with Carecircle. Guided by our principles of trust, integrity and member-owned and controlled data, we are improving the world’s healthcare, one person at a time.

Draw the circle

Drawing a circle seems easy at first glance, but have you ever tried getting it just right? Simple things can be a lot harder than you might think. We love a challenge, though, and strive for perfection in all our products, so they are simple, fun, and intuitive to use, while also providing our members with everything they need to start on their own health journeys. If this was easy, it would have been done already – we are committed to building a better, fairer, sustainable health system for people today and the generations that come after us.

Be worthy of trust

Trust is at the cornerstone of everything we do. Building an infallible reputation as a truly independent source of knowledge and insights for our members as well as being a trusted partner for our investors, suppliers, and employees is our first priority. Carecircle is a place where ideology and technology meet.

Privacy by design

Our members’ data and personal information is protected by Swiss data privacy laws and is hosted in a dedicated cloud in Switzerland, one of the safest online vaults in the world. We will never share your data with any third party unless you have explicitly requested this for your own benefit. We are unfailingly meticulous when it comes to protecting our community’s personal information and strive to host one of the most secure social platforms around the globe.

Diverse meritocracy

At Carecircle, we embrace and value members of all genders, skin colours, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and ages, and we embrace and celebrate life in all its beautiful diversity. As a company, we are a true meritocracy that gives everybody an equal chance to contribute and show what they can do. We delight in seeing the best people and ideas rise to the top.

Independent intelligence

Our unbiased, independent approach to sharing knowledge and insights helps us stay true to our moral and ethical responsibilities rather than to economic or political obligations. It also enables us to train responsible Artificial Intelligence algorithms to make sure patients looking to us for help in getting a diagnosis or information on how to best deal with their personal health challenges will be provided with only the most accurate, up-to-date, reliable information.

Caring responsibility

We care deeply about our members’ wellbeing. At the heart of every decision we make we ask ourselves “What’s the impact for our members and how does this support our mission?”. Our values of trust, integrity and privacy are baked into the very DNA of our decision making process.

We support people, sometimes at their most vulnerable and we respect that responsibility. We commit to our members, and partners, to work intentionally, thoughtfully and transparently.

Our team believes profoundly in the Carecircle philospohy and we are inspired by that every day to create the best possible product.

Some of the best strategic minds across the technology and healthcare industries are collaborating to find creative solutions to age-old problems and we are working hard to implement them as quickly as possible for the benefit of all of our members.

Join the healthcare revolution